“I must say up front that Michelle was my friend before she treated me.
It has taken me a long time to write this review. How does one adequately put into words how someone saved them? After a string of really bad situations and events in my life, I was left feeling worthless, sad, scared and frankly, ugly. I hid from everyone and was a shell of my former self. Michelle had asked me to try Botox several times during our chats because I had "worry lines" (I earned those) that she knew were a source of insecurity and a reminder of all that had happened. I finally relented. I figured, " it probably won't change things much" and " I have nothing to lose but a little money".
I was wrong.
I gained EVERYTHING. What I saw after the treatment was the person I used to be. The fun, kind, happy, confident woman who can do anything. What I saw was ME and I hadn't seen that chick in many years.
My life in the last couple of months has been so much fun. I'm dating, going out dancing and making new friends. Frankly, I'm living my best life at nearly 55 years old. It's the best thing I have ever done for myself and I deserve it.
So do you.
I can't advise strongly enough to go see this wonderful human being. She will not only make you beautiful, she'll make you feel good about yourself, inside and out.
You don't have to believe me though, just look at the pictures. They can't lie.”
-Beth H.